We are a niche practice focusing on areas where we are market leaders. In particular, our expertise includes those being investigated and possibly prosecuted in relation to criminal allegations, those being sought in other jurisdictions or being investigated by their regulatory body.
We know that, for many, this can be a daunting and frightening experience filled with uncertainty about the procedures and potential consequences. "Knowledge is all" and we therefore maintain well defined systems to stay abreast of the law and the constant changes effected by respective governments. Our focus is on achieving the best possible result for each client and so we rigorously pursue all avenues, keeping you the client involved and updated every step of the way.
We are experts in criminal defence work representing those accused of every type of criminal matter including serious fraud, money laundering, drugs, violence and sex offences. The depth and breadth of experience we have at the practice will ensure you have the highest quality representation from your first contact with us. Read more
Having been a member of the Specialist Fraud Panel since its inception, our experience is unrivalled and the quality of advice and representation is first rate. Read more
These are fact-finding investigations into a set of events or deaths. They are specialist areas of the law in which we have a vast amount of experience. Preparation for such matters is crucial and we have the capability and experience to ensure the best representation for our clients. Read more
Extradition is the official process whereby one country transfers an individual who is accused or convicted of a criminal offence to another country. This may be requested to enable the requesting country to try the individual on outstanding criminal charges or to ensure that they serve their sentence (if they have already been convicted). Read more
Our experience includes representing those in the police, healthcare professionals, lawyers and accountants. We are retained by the Police Federation to advise their members regarding disciplinary and regulatory matters. Read more
Road traffic/motoring offences
This firm has extensive experience in assisting clients who face prosecution for offences under the road traffic legislation, an area of law which is increasingly complex and far-reaching. Read more
Both individuals and companies can be prosecuted for a range of offences and we have experience representing companies and their directors. Offences include bribery, corruption, fraud, phoenix companies and more frequently, prosecutors are utilising Deferred Prosecution Agreements. Read more
Investigations by Trading Standards for breaches of their Regulations can be a worrying time for a business. We are on hand to offer practice and robust advice and representation in responding to a request for information and interview. Read more
It is a stressful time for those involved when a business is being investigated or prosecuted in relation to alleged health and safety breaches. These can be both regulatory investigations or criminal prosecutions brought by the Health and Safety Executive or other agency. The penalties can be wide-ranging and can have devastating effects not only financially but also on the reputation of the business. Read more
As a victim of crime, you may find that you do not want to go to the police initially. We can assist with identifying the offences committed and helping you prepare a witness statement for submission to the police. Read more
We are often approached by clients who want general advice. This may be in relation to a criminal investigation of which they are the subject or in fact how to protect their own position if someone close to them is the subject of an investigation or prosecution. Read more