Corporate Crime
Corporate Crime
A cartel is an agreement between businesses not to compete with each other. Agreements can be in relation to many things but often include price, output levels, credit terms, customer base, regional supply areas to name a few. These agreements are prohibited by the Competition Act 1998 and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
The focus on corporate criminal conduct has never been greater. Corporates and individuals facing potential or actual criminal investigation leading to prosecution require expert advice and assistance, often at a very early stage to avoid matters progressing beyond the investigation stage.
Companies retain a separate legal entity and as such can be prosecuted for a range of offences. In addition to the companies themselves, individual directors and officers of the company or partnership can be pursued in their own right.
We have seasoned expertise ensuring we can provide the required insight, advice and support to clients in all industries at every stage of the investigative and prosecution process.
Our specific areas of expertise includes: anti-bribery and corruption, anti-money laundering, fraud and cartels.
The impact that an investigation can have on a company can be significant. More still if a prosecution follows and so we also offer risk mitigation advice.